Monday, September 22, 2008


So tomorrow is my birthday. I know I am not a kid and I really don't like how quickly the years are adding up, but I was looking forward to this one. My husband was going to take the day off from work, I was going to keep J out of school and we were going to go to Disneyland. I had been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks. A chance to see my daughter experience the Magic Kingdom for the first time and just goof off for a day in the middle of the week. Last week J came down with a cold. I thought nothing of it. She'd have enough time to recover before the big day. Well, she did recover. But, R and I are sick. Coughing, sneezing, stuffy head, can't rest kind of sick. No Disneyland, no day off, no happy birthday. Just cold medicine, tissues and bad case of the waaahhhs. Yes, we can go at the end of the week. Yes, I am lucky that J is not sick any more. But boy did I feel like being a kid again on my actual birthday. Blah.

1 comment:

nonlineargirl said...

Happy (achoo!) Birthday! (sniff)