Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To blog or not to blog? (aka what the hell am I doing?)

It is Day 3 of my blogging endeavor and I am trying to figure out if writing (in what seems to be a vacuum) is a waste of my time or smart use of a over-toddlered brain?

I have gotten ridiculously enthusiastic about the possibilities of blogging... I could just write parent commentary, post recipes, talk about life in Los Angeles, give advice to people I think might need it, display my art/photography/crafts, explore topics like procrastination, married life, TV, movies, recycling, etc., etc.,

Then, I come back down from my self-righteous cloud and wonder, who the hell is going to read it? And why would they care in the first place? Can I create a community in a city that runs from community? Where "let's do lunch" really means "I'm too busy, but I'll make you think that I am interested in seeing you again." Who wants to take time out of their day to read what I have to say?

Well, I am thinking that people will. So I will continue to put on my little dog and pony show and hope that the readers of the world (like you) will gravitate in my direction. Hello? Hello?

1 comment:

nonlineargirl said...

Yes to parenting talk, crafty stuff, recycling, etc. (No really, I am ridiculously excitable about recycling. Good thing I moved to Portland.)